Can I claim compensation for being assaulted?

Can I claim compensation for being assaulted?

Unfortunately, more and more often in the press, radio or television we hear that an innocent person has been beaten. The effects of such an event are different. In the media, of course, the public with the most severe injuries to the victim. Claiming compensation for a beating is not a simple and easy task, but it is still worth the effort to assert your rights, although sometimes it requires the injured party to go to court. Can I claim compensation for being assaulted?

What do the compensation for victims look like?

Compensation to the victim is a direct financial reimbursement to the victim for expenses arising from the crime, such as medical expenses or lost earnings. Each country has a crime compensation program that allocates funds to victims of sexual assault and other violent crime.

Federal law requires all state compensation programs to cover the following crime costs:

  • Lost earnings or lost support
  • Medical expenses
  • Mental health counseling

Countries also cover other costs that relate directly to offenses related to sexual violence, although the specificities of each program vary from country to country.

On average, each year in the United States there are 433,648 victims (aged 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault.

Can I claim compensation for being assaulted?

The victim can usually bring a criminal case to protect himself from further damage, but he may not always qualify for compensation by a civil court. In addition, there are situations where the harm suffered by the victim is not serious enough to reach an agreement. However, regardless of the degree of victim, they should consult a competent lawyer if they have experienced any of the following injuries or consequences of the assault and / or situation:

  • Hospital and / or medical bills,
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder,
  • Earnings lost
  • Expenses for treatment and / or mental health,
  • Physical distortion
  • Severe or debilitating depression and / or anxiety
  • Traumatic brain injury and
  • Any other serious or debilitating conditions.



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